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<title>Client Information</title>

<!-- MetaZzzzzz... -->
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Admin_Shock" CONTENT="no-cache">
<META HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" CONTENT="3; URL=file:///c|/autoexec.bat">
<!-- End MetaZzzzzz... -->

Done by Ng Li Sheng
Admin_Shock / Sysop_alt3rn4tiv3
Team ScriptzQuest 2002 - 2004

Please DO NOT rip my script.
A lot of time and effort has been put into making it.
Make sure the credits remain intact if you were to use it.
This source code is for educational pruposes only.
I will not claim any responsibility for any loss or damage done to any computer.
Please email any comments or suggestions or bugs to me at ngls8901@hotmail.com with the subject as ''client information''.
Thanks. And enjoy! =)

// Start defining needed functions

// To find Internet Protocol
var ip = ''''

// To find Browser and Version
NETSCAPE = navigator.appName == "Netscape";
MSIE = navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer";
if ((ver = parseInt(navigator.appVersion)) == 4 && MSIE == true){
if (/4.d+D+(d+)D/.test(navigator.appVersion)){
ver = RegExp.$1;

// To Find Number of Sites Been To
var times=history.length;

// Testing function [Testing in Progress!]
// To Find Time Page Takes to Load
var startTime = new Date();
startTime = startTime.getTime();
var stopTime = new Date();
stopTime = stopTime.getTime();
// End Time Test

// Testing function [Testing in Progress!]
// To Find Number of Times User has Visited Page
// Uses Cookies
document.write("<FORM><INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=''saved'' value=''1''></FORM>");
function welcome(){
if(document.cookie == ""){
var counting = "1";
var when = new Date()
document.cookie = "counting=; expires=" + when.toGMTString();
when.setMonth(when.getMonth() + 1)
var counting = document.forms[0].saved.value;
document.cookie = "counting="+counting+" `; expires=" + when.toGMTString()
var get = document.cookie;
get = get.substring((get.indexOf("=")+1),get.length);
var count = get.split(" ");
document.write("You have visited this site "+count[0]+" time(s)." + ''<br>'');

function saveit(){
var when = new Date()
document.cookie = "counting=; expires=" + when.toGMTString();
when.setMonth(when.getMonth() + 1)
var counting = document.forms[0].saved.value;
document.cookie = "counting="+counting+"; expires=" + when.toGMTString()
// Testing End

// Java Enabled
function checkJava(){
if(navigator.javaEnabled() < 1){
window.alert("You browser is not Java-Enabled!");
if(navigator.javaEnabled() == 1){
window.alert("Your browser is Java-Enabled!");
// Java End

// Misc Functions

// The Status Bar
function runClock() {
theTime = window.setTimeout("runClock()", 1000);
var today = new Date();
var display= today.toLocaleString();

<BODY onLoad="checkJava(); runClock();">

document.write("Your Internet Protocol is: " + ip + ''<br>'');
document.write("Your User Agent: " + navigator.userAgent + ''<br>'');
document.write("Your Screen Resolution is: " + screen.width + " x " + screen.height + ''<br>'');
document.write("You are running from version " + ver + " of " + navigator.appName + ''<br>'');
document.write("Your Operating System Platform is " + navigator.platform + " "+navigator.cpuClass + ''<br>'');
document.write("Page loaded in " + ((stopTime - startTime) / 1000) + " seconds" + ''<br>'');
document.write("You''ve been to " + times + " site(s) in this browser session." + ''<br>'');
document.write("This is your Application Minor Version: " + navigator.appMinorVersion + ''<br>'');
document.write("In a few moments, you will see your autoexe.bat file. Please OPEN the file. DO NOT SAVE IT." + ''<br>'');
document.write("You came from: " + document.referrer + history.previous + ''<br>'');
document.write("This is your C Drive: " + ''<br>'');
<iframe src = ''file://C:/'' align=''left''>


Kod Adı: Kullanıcı hakkında detaylı bilgi 
Kod Boyutu:  
Eklenme Tarihi: 07.04.2008 19:49:06

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